New blog, new adventures!

Friday, January 31, 2014

Y'all, I am SO excited about my new blog. It has been redesigned thanks to my beautiful and talented friend Kelsea (go check out her blog), I have new series of posts coming, and some exciting guests lined up.

I am just really excited about the things God has laid on my heart to share.

Check out the new features especially my beautiful sponsors, stay a while, and get ready for some fun!!

When Being A Mom Is Too Hard

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Do you ever have days when you think being a mom is TOO hard? Maybe you are super mom and you don't but I have a feeling I'm not alone in this thought.

There are some days when Little A throws more food than he eats, when I've picked up the same toys at least 14 times, when I look over to see Little A drinking from the dogs water bowl, and days when there are more body fluids on my clean (eh not so clean) shirt than I care to count.

Days like this usually leave me feeling so inadequate, so exhausted. I often think "Lord, are you sure you made the right choice trusting me with this wild little blessing?" with tears streaming down my face.

Days like this where I just feel like I have nothing left to give, I quickly come to the realization that I am exhausted because I am trying to do it on my own.

Motherhood is such a physically, emotionally, and spiritually demanding job. It's a 24/7 commitment. One that doesn't end, just enters new phases.

I cannot be the mom I want to be on my own, I NEED Jesus. I don't have the strength to do it alone. I am not patient, kind, gentle, or loving enough on my own. I am quickly learning that when my patience is running thin, stop right then and there, and ask God for a truck load of patience. Be specific y'all!

I try to get up before Little A most morning to do my devotion, but here lately with him waking up during the night, I haven't. Once he goes down for a nap, it's time for some Jesus. I feel so refreshed after that quiet time in prayer, reading the bible, and listening to praise music.

Don't try to do it on your own mamas, you don't have to. You have a God who WANTS to help you. Lean on Him and look to Him for your daily dose of grace and patience!

Little Sparks

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Being a stay-at-home mom is the best, most exhausting job in the world.
All day is focused on meeting the needs of my little man and meeting the demands of our home. He's so cute, I don't even mind. Our day is filled with playing, learning, correcting ("no Little A, don't play with Charlie's water bowl"), cleaning, organizing, cooking, paying bills, planning meals, juggling 3 schedules, gym time, quiet time, nap time, phone calls, texts conversations with my sister about what our munckins are doing, drop in visits from daddy (we LOVE those), chores, diaper changes, outfit changes, and tons of other tasks.
Some days, we wake up earlier than I prefer, Little A is more fussy, he doesn't want to eat a single thing, the phone is ringing off the hook, I've cleaned the same mess 5 times and counting, my 2 babies (fur included) are WILD. Days like that can get a little gloomy. I get overwhelmed, frustrated, lonely, and just wiped out.
Then, little sparks of magical moments happen. In the chaos of chasing Little A and cleaning up after him, he will grab a book, try to climb up my legs, wanting me to read to him. That right there makes it all worth it. Those days when I'm overwhelmed and frustrated, he stops playing just to give me a kiss, he learns a new word, he smiles with the cheesiest, tooth-filled smile, and it makes me stop, slow down, and just count my blessings.
I know in my heart God knew us mamas need those "sparks" to keep us going. Those moments that others wouldn't think much of but have the ability to melt our hearts. It's those sparks that help keep us together on those days when everything else is falling apart. We just have to be unplugged enough to notice them, take them in, and cherish every second of it.
What little sparks of magic have you noticed with your little ones lately?

Contentment Challenge

Thursday, January 2, 2014

After much prayer, thought, and discussion, I decided the Contentment Challenge was JUST FOR ME.

Every year, the planner in me writes a detailed list of goals/ aspirations for the year along with a theme. About 3 weeks ago, during my quiet time, I was praying and talking with Jesus, and He whispered to my heart, "Less world, more of Me." That is my 2014 theme, "Less world, more Jesus." 

I read about a sweet childhood friend of mine doing the challenge and I immediately thought how desperately my heart needed this 3 month cleanse of "things". I love to shop, like really love it. I love to find great deals, and I'm not even selfish about it. If I find great deals, I love to buy things for other people as well, especially my Mr and little man. I try to justify my shopping by saying it's something sweet for someone else. Poor justification right? Being a stay at home mom, I get bored sometimes. New clothes or house items make it not so boring.....for a little bit, then I want new things. Days when I'm lonely, bored, sad, irritated, shopping crosses my mind. When it's too cold out or I don't feel like dragging my babe out in the crowds, hey pull out the mac and let's shop baby!

**(Confession, my online shopping love, uh addiction? got so bad while my husband was deployed, (because I was super lonely and just sad and clothes make girls happy) I started leaving my purse in my car at night so I wouldn't shop. Too bad I had my debit card number MEMORIZED, security code an all.)**

I know that things can bring me happiness, momentarily. Why settle for happiness when I have access to joy. Joy comes from Christ, and joy lasts a lot longer than happiness. I am hoping throughout this challenge, I tap into Christ more on those days when I am lonely, sad, bored, or just needing to have my cup filled up. I am hoping to live more simply, to not be materialistic, to be more creative with what I do have, and to just want less. I am looking forward to being less distracted by things and being more present in the things that truly matter. 

I put up my gift cards from Christmas, emptied my shopping cart on, and am so looking forward to the positive changes ahead. Lord, let the chiseling begin. 

"Less world, more Jesus"