Growing a baby and breastfeeding are two of my biggest accomplishments. It simply amazes me how God designed our bodies to not only offer a safe environment for our little ones to grow and develop, but also produce life sustaining milk that surpasses anything that can be made in a factory.
I knew even before I got pregnant with Little A that I wanted to breastfeed. I am proud to say he never had one drop of formula. Now this isn't to say if you formula feed or supplement that I look down on your choice, personally, this was just something I wanted.
I am so thankful for our nursing journey. Little A had no problems latching and my milk supply came in strong. He nursed until he self weaned at 10.5 months. My goal was a year but it became evident at that point in time that he was losing interest and that was ok by me.
I used a nursing cover in public and plan to with baby girl come February. I in no way, shape, or form think nursing is a shameful thing or whatever other negative stigmas that may be associated with it. My reasons are simple. Breastfeeding is N.O.T sexual by any means. I can't stand hearing people call it such. Breasts are dual purpose body parts, purpose (breastfeeding) and pleasure (sexual). So while I don't believe breastfeeding is sexual, I know my breasts are part time. I personally don't believe any other man should know what my chest looks like. Little A was not a focused eater. He would nurse, pull away, babble, nurse some more, then pull away again. I would have been extremely uncomfortable being exposed during all his unfocused moments. Some moms can skip the cover, yet stay covered up because their little one never unlatches. This was not the case for us at all. My cover also helped my easily distracted baby focus on eating. If we were at church or in a crowded area, I could slip to the back of the room, put on my cover, start nursing and he would have a calm, less distracting environment to nurse. I will add that I have seen a lot of negative comments lately depicting using covers as making your baby hot, excluded, or whatever else. Little A never showed any sort of resistance or discomfort from the cover at all. If it had made him uncomfortable, we would have found another solution.
Using a cover or skipping one is a personal preference. It all boils down to what you are comfortable with and what works for you and your baby. I pass no judgement on moms who choose differently than I do. It is their choice, their right, and I respect all opinions. Breastfeeding truly is an amazing gift we can give to our babies and I think moms everywhere would be more comfortable if we just gave each other a pat on the back for doing it, not scold their different technique.
What are your thoughts on nursing covers? Did you have a good or bad experience using them?
Happy Birthday!
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Little A is T.W.O!! Every year, I plan to write him a letter on his birthday and eventually print them all out and give them to him. Year number 2, here we go.
My sweet boy,
Time has flown by. It feels like yesterday we were saying how we couldn't believe you were 6 months old and here we are, officially in the toddler zone.
It's been so interesting seeing you turn into your own person. You are very independent, strong willed, and adventurous. I love that you aren't afraid to try anything. It makes me scared most days but I envy your care free spirit.
You are exceptionally bright. I know every mom probably says that about their children, but even your Doctor says he can't believe how advanced you are. Speaking in sentences, memorizing pages in your book, being able to count to 10, knowing some of your alphabet, you blow us away.
We have had some major changes with the new house in a new town and your baby sister's arrival rapidly approaching. This has caused a bit of separation anxiety and a new level of clingy but we are working through it. These changes have made you cling to Charlie even more and I am appreciative of your bond with each other. Who knew a dog could calm a screaming toddler down so fast?
I see these little sparks of a grown up in you and while they make me a little sad, they also make me excited to see the future you. You remind everyone it's time to pray when we sit at the table to eat. Your need for independence is a little hard on this mama some days, but I appreciate it all the same. During your first "Mission Conference", when the preacher was getting all fired up and shouting, you started clapping and shouting back with him, future preacher? We will see.
You are such a joy. Every day I make sure to tell God thanks for you. You have changed the way I view every thing. You are so creative and adventurous and you have made me come out of my comfort zone. I owe you so very much my boy. Thank you for all the smiles you provide, the laughs, and even the days of tears, they are teaching me so much. You are my greatest adventure, and I am excited for what this next year will bring.
Happy birthday love muffin, here's to making year number two full.