Welcome to our third Total Truth Thursday! Kelsea and I started this link-up in hopes that it will be successful in creating a safe environment for us to share our opinions, beliefs, and thoughts- however strong, against-the-grain, mainstream, or out there they are! If this is the first time you’re hearing about Total Truth Thursdays, head back to this post and catch up on what it’s all about!
2 // Kindness is key.Whether you follow the topics for each week or come up with something on your own, please remember that others may or may not agree with you, and you may or may not agree with them! Disagreements are natural, passionate opinions are welcomed, and constructive feedback is fine. However, we won’t put up with rudeness, ugliness, or name-calling. Just be nice!
3 // To link-up, please follow Hey Kelsea Rae & These Moments Called Life on Bloglovin’ or GFC and copy and paste the button code to your post somewhere! We are so excited to get started!
Modesty is a lost art these days. Today's trending fashion is quite frankly, way too exposing. Crop tops? You mean long sports bras. Shorts? I'm pretty sure I have underwear that cover more than these itty bitty short impostors.
I can't raise my hand saying I never took part in the shortie shorts epidemic. In middle and high school, I wore short shorts, bikinis at the beach, and etc. Looking back, it's quite embarrassing. There is a link to those "bad boys" I dated and the way they treated me, and how I dressed.
I've also been on the total opposite end of the spectrum. When Mr. J first surrendered to Ministry work, I felt that I (like all traditional Baptist's) had to do a complete 180. I wore skirts 24/7 for a short 4 months because that's what I thought was expected of me and what I had to do.
This is where personal convictions come in. Do I think wearing skirts and only skirts is bad? Not at all. Do I think I can wear pants and be modest, absolutely. I can be cute and fashionable without showing the entire world every square inch of my body. I respect my husband and the fact that my body is not just my own. It's pretty disrespectful for me to show every other man out there a lot of skin. That's for my husband's eyes alone.
I want my son to grow up seeing women for who they truly are, their inner beauty. Not how well she looks in daisy dukes. My purpose in life is to glorify Christ in ALL things. I want Christ to be proud to call me His daughter, I want to represent my church, my family, and myself in a respectable way.
The long and short of it is modesty is only as boring as you make it. It's a personal choice that you set the standards for with God's guidance. Present yourself as you want others to see you. Be ladies and set the standards high.
I agree that modesty is a personal standard that is set between you and Christ. He will tell you if something is too much or if it looks good. I just go to Him and trust in what He says :)