We are 1/3 of the way through our Challenge. I have to confess it wasn't easy and I cheated. I used a gift card from Christmas in the first week of January. But, now that I told you, let's move on to the more important things.
I can't even begin to find the words to describe the effects this challenge has had on me. When I agreed to participate, I had no idea the restoration that was to come.
I feel like God has used these past 4 weeks to radically change my heart. It wasn't comfortable but it was SO needed.
Now, let's dig in a little, shall we?
Is it wrong to love clothes, home decorations, jewelry, etc.? Absolutely not, it's the root of it all that can be problematic. Ever have days where you just feel so blah and you buy a new dress to make you feel pretty? That's not necessarily wrong, but when that dress isn't "new" anymore, you will have to shop again, it's a never ending cycle.
When we need to feel pretty, why not turn to our Savior? Ladies, He is ENTHRALLED with your beauty! He desires your heart, your love. Not only does He want you, He wants you to want Him back. That's the kind of "warm and fuzzy" feeling I want, one that doesn't fade with time.
God has shown me that I far too often put my worth, my value, in things. If every single thing I owned burned in a fire, does that mean I have no worth? If so, I'm in trouble.
I have been so convicted to see my worth for what it truly is. It's not in the name brands of my clothes, not my pant size, not in the number of good hair days I have, my worth is found in Christ. If more women could grasps this truth, our world would be drastically changed. We could put some companies who thrive off of self-hate out of business.
Instead of running to The Loft so fast when we have a bad bad, turn to the Bible. Put on some praise and worship, pray, talk to Jesus. Tell me how you feel after. I guarantee better than a new pair of shoes can make you feel.
I posted this on my closet door.
It's been my hearts desire for 2014. I don't need things, I need Jesus. This Challenge has made me slow down to realize a little more. It's only the beginning y'all, I can't wait for the rest of the journey.
I pray you ask God to chisel away at the lies we have believed to be truths. I pray you ask God to help you find your worth in Him, and that you never forget how precious you are to Him.
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